Thursday, August 28, 2008

Finally; Teeth!!

Wow I can't believe that it has taken so long, I thought she was never going to get teeth. Now she does and wow there are two! She will be 14 months on the 5 of Sept. and to me it is really strange to see her with teeth. The funny thing is even though she did not have teeth it never prevented her from eating things. She would want to eat something so I would give her something and wait by her she would work at it sometimes it would get caught and before I could even get my hands to her she would have coughed it up and been working at it again. I never really had much problems with her.
I could tell from the time she first wanted to roll over that she was going to be a very stubborn baby, in that if she wanted to do something she was going to do it. If she is wanting to eat something she will eat it. The only thing that I will not give her are, nuts and hard candies. Everything else she has learned how to eat. She has got a very strong bite, I am scared for her dentist, but he gets paid to stick fingers in peoples mouths so he made the choice.

On another note, I am really struggling with something and I don't know if any of you will be reading this before Sunday or will be able to reply but I would like some help with something. MaCenz has been given the assignment to give a talk, her first one, in Primary on Sunday. I don't know where to get any information, I was never very good at writing my own talks when I was growing up and in fact just, 3 years ago when asked to talk in Sacrament I had to have a lot of help from Drew and my Mom on writing my talk. The theme in Primary this month is "I will show my faith in Jesus Christ by being baptized and confirmed," or we can choose our own topic. I really don't know what to have her say, she speaks really quite clear so I am not worried of people not being able to understand her and getting frustrated if I give her a lot of things to have to say. I was really dreading the day that she would get asked to give a talk in Primary.
Oh well, I shouldn't be so negative about this, she is very excited to be able to give a talk in Primary, I should be supportive of her and get her a talk written.

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